For my contents page, I chose to only feature on key features in the magazine. This mainly consisted on things to do with art, however I did include other features such as a problem page, a 'your say' page and an information page about school trips and competitions.
For my contents page, I used a total of three images. Two were related to GCSE drama pupils and one is one related to the A-Level art pupil. I chose to have 'Gill Sans Ultra Bold Condensed' as the font for the text as I think it suits the target audience of students and to have it in a green colour to link with the colour in one of the pictures. The word 'Contents' has each letter separated and also a drop shadow behind it and outlined in bold, to make it stand out more and to allow the reader to see the main focus of the page. The page numbers have also bee outlined in bold to allow the reader to see the main focus pages on the magazine. The magazine also features a note
You work is getting stronger