School Magazine - 2nd Photo Shoot

For my second school magazine front cover photo-shoot, I decided to focus on drama instead of art. I used three models to hold dramatic poses in various positions.

I really like this picture as I think it is quite original and unique and manages to capture the essence of drama. I would definitely consider using this picture as the front cover of my magazine as I think it would be quite intriguing for the reader. If I did not use this picture as my front cover, then I would use it as my contents page picture as I really like the whole idea of the picture.

I think this picture is quite good as there is some mirror imagery and the models look quite composed and dramatic. However, I do not think that I would use this picture for my front cover.

I think this close-up of the above picture is much better as it almost represents the different emotions in drama which is shown on the models faces. It almost gives off the idea of the two masks commonly used to represent drama. However, I am not sure if I would consider using it as my magazine front cover.

I like this picture of the model on her own as I think the model has quite a dramatic look on their face as they stare off into space. I also like how the clothes she is wearing as I think the stripes are quite bold and eye-catching so they would stand out on the front on the cover. I would definitely consider using this picture as my magazine cover. 

I like this picture as I think the height and poses of the model do represent drama and show the different aspects of what drama students can look like. I think this picture would be good as a contents page picture.

1 comment:

  1. This is a much more successful set of photos. I think you would need greater commentary about why you had to move away from the art photograph idea in order to justify the highest marks.
